As a blogger, you certainly want to have regular readers who interact with you and / or other readers, right? Yes, this is called your blog community. In addition to turn your blog by commenting, blog community can also help you in many forms.
This because there is an emotional bond and sense of belonging to your blog. For example, your blog readers to recommend your blog to others. In fact, readers of your blog to promote your product without being asked.
How to build a community blog? Below are seven tipsnya:
1. Starting with comments
Comment section is where you build your first blog community. The key to building community in this section are:
* Ask questions on posts so that the reader stimulated to respond in the comments section.
* Reply reader comments
* Simplify the reader in the comments (ie without a captcha)
* Facilitation of the latest posts as they say (use the CommentLuv plugin if you use wordpress)
2. Create a reader-oriented postings
Show that you care about your blog readers. This can be done by:
* Posting answers to the questions asked readers via comments, emails and twitter
* Make posts that link to your blog post reader
* Featured reader comment that you feel add value to your topic being discussed.
* Posts an interview with the readers of your blog.
3. Create polls, quizzes, or interactive contest
Poling is to invite readers to participate in its choice of topics you discuss. The contest is as rope asih friendship between you and the readers. Pakde Cholik is one of the bloggers who are diligent in doing it this way. For example, you can listen to and participate in your Opinion Blog Camp In Order year.
4. Invite readers to share their
Common way is by invitation to be guest bloggers. Another way is by inviting them to submit the writings of the redesign, their photos, their stories, or anything else. As an illustration, please refer to the example What is your Most Popular Posts in the Year 2009?
5. Give advice to the reader
This input can be either criticism or suggestions for better readers. This you can do by contacting them via email, phone, chat, and so forth.
6. Give the job to our readers
This job might no cost or not. Job-cost example asking the reader to make a paid job writing reviews you get, logos, book covers, and so forth. As for the work at no cost, among others, judges contests that you will do.
7. Humble
It is well known that the humble person who would enjoy a lot of people. Therefore, you must be humble in managing the blog, even if you are an expert in a particular field. Shape, among others, working together with other bloggers, receiving unconditional exchange links, blog walking, reply to e-mail readers, and so forth.
That's seven tips to build blog community that I know. Do you have any other tips?, Please give comments to me ...
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