Saturday, June 12, 2010

Words Eliminate Unnecessary On Your Posts

As bloggers we are ideally write properly and correctly. Knowingly or not, many bloggers are ignoring this. As a result, professional postingannya not impressed. One characteristic of these posts are decorated with words unnecessary.

In my observation, the words that do not need it, among others:

1. He he he

He he he is the embodiment cengengesan the writer. Actually, this word is not needed in the post. Why? In addition there is no point, can also be replaced with emoticons proportionately.

2. The words crossed out

As an illustration, consider the following sentence: a blogger I met a kind and not arrogant. Crossed out the word that this is not necessary in the post because there is no benefit and convenience of the reader disturbing.

3. Words SMS format

Type the word is usually in the form of acronyms and slang words. For example: grandfather, P4K, with, sy, and so forth. These words need not be displayed and should be changed to the original because the posting is not limited capacity.

These three examples above are just a few words that do not need to exist in the post. Plenty of other words. If you know it, please inform in the comments section.

Blogotainmen Reached 600 Thousand Page Views Monthly (And Here's 3 Tricks To put it simply)

Several months ago I was often amazed to see a blog that reaches half a million page views a month. It was like a dream get page views like that. However, it turns out that dream become a reality. Blogotainmen last month reached more than half a million page views.

Please note, all three are not magic tricks, magic, or witchcraft, but the result of trial and error that I do. This need for me to say because some time ago a reader who accused me tricks to increase page views Blogotainmen is unreasonable and uses black magic.

Regardless, below is a traffic screenshoot Blogotainmen which reached 633 753 page views last month (click to enlarge secreenshoot).
Trafik Blogotainmen Mei 2010
Three trick I do to achieve that many page views are as follows:

1. Smoothed thumbnails on related posts

I often travel to these blogs humor and entertainment abroad. One of the things that often catch my attention are these blogs put a small picture (thumbnail) on the related posts. I also adapt this by installing the plugin thumblated related post.

This plugin displays the first image from each of the related posts. Unfortunately, this plugin has one fundamental weakness of thumbnail size ditampilan not the same in every relevant post. In other words, there is a small thumbnail, and there are also large. As a result, sessions related posts so messy, so less attractive to visitors.

I also try to edit the HTML code of these plugins. After several mistakes, finally I get the HTML code that can be smoothed thumbnail view. The result you can see below. 
2. Featured article in a sidebar option

I often write a scene, but the text did not become hot when this article to FURL registered. Instead of sinking in the archives, I present these five posts in the sidebar. I call this session Article options.

This session featured plugin I created uses a post with thumbnails. Like thumblated related post plugin, this plugin is displaying the first images that exist in a posting.

Again, this plugin display unsatisfied, so I edit the HTML code. Result like the following picture:

Tampilan artikel pilihan
 View Article options
3. Updating postings

Every month I often notice the key words in Google Analytics that bring visitors to Blogotainmen. Continuously, 10 top keywords totaling tens of thousands per month.

I also update the post-post targeted by keywords by creating internal links to some relevant posts. In principle, if the existing three thousand visitors a month who come to posting it via a search engine and they see that there are two internal links, then I have obtained an additional six thousand page views.

Additional page views came from a posting that is updated. When 10 posingan which is updated with internal links, the more additional page views per month.

Like what I'm doing updates? Please you see, for example in the posting about the artist hollywood.

Why is the third trick above can increase page views? Below are the reasons:

    * Thumbnails in posts and articles related to choice of posts add attractiveness. Thumbnail Combined with a powerful title will encourage readers to view it.
    * Internal links on posts that are updated may fix the position posting (which is updated and linked) in the search engine so that the greater the opportunity to capture visitors.

Tips for You

If you are interested in using these two plugins above, here are tips-tipsnya:

    * You must have the blog
    * Put the best picture in the first position of each post.
    * Make reading the title that attracted visitors (refer to the way in 6 Easy Ways to Make Interesting Reading Interest Titles Visitor)

It's also important you note, there is no guarantee that these three tricks will increase your blog's page views for each blog has its own uniqueness. Therefore, if you do all three tricks at the top, then you need to evaluate them in a certain period of time.

How To Calculate The Monthly Bandwidth

Bloggers who use paid hosting is generally concerned with bandwidth capacity. This is because bandwidth affects the performance of the blog. What's bandwidth? How do I know the amount of bandwidth required each month?

In the context of web size, bandwidth (the bandwidth) is the amount of data transferred between the servers hosting his blog with a computer that is used to open the blog pages. Important note, this page here refers to the page and posting blogs.

Calculation of monthly bandwidth

The amount of bandwidth needed a blog each month affected by page size (U), the number of unique visitors (PU), and the number of pages opened by each unique visitor (PV). The equation is as follows:

Monthly Bandwidth = U x PU x PV

Blog page size is expressed in Kilobytes (KB), where one KB equal to 1024 bytes.

To calculate monthly bandwidth, I take the example of traffic mancapai Blogotainmen a month ago over 600 thousand page views. The average size of the blog page is assumed to 100 KB. This entertainment blog visited by 60 000 unique visitors, and each visitor is open seven pages.

So the amount of bandwidth used is:

Monthly Bandwidth = 100 KB x 60 000 x 7 = 42 million family planning

If divided by 1024, then 42 million, equal to 41 015 KB MB. If this amount is divided again by 1024, the same with 40.05 MB 41 015 GB.

As you can see, last month Blogotainmen require bandwidth of 40 GB. Fortunately hosting that I use a large capacity, so this entertainment blog not to crash.

Hopefully the bandwidth calculations above helps you determine which hosting package would be purchased or paid blog calculate your monthly bandwidth now.